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BIPOC Therapy Fund
Donate or FundraiseFAQ

Warm welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.

Since 2019, Inclusive Therapists has prioritized mental health care access for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BI&POC).

We make it simpler and safer for people with intersecting marginalized identities (e.g., 2SLGBTQIA+, Disabled, and Neurodivergent communities) to connect with culturally responsive, identity-affirming care.

The BIPOC Therapy Fund is our co-creation: providing free, quality mental health therapy to our communities. The Service-Providers are liberation-oriented, professionally licensed, BI&POC community members.

We invite you to see the FAQ to learn more!

Support Our Movement

$125 provides 1 free therapy session. Click here to donate or fundraise today. We’re grateful for your support!

Free Therapy For People impacted by Acute Global crisis

We continue to advocate for Black, Indigenous and Communities of Color facing genocide, forced displacement, and violent exploitation.

The root causes of the crises in Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Yemen, and other violently exploited regions are intertwined: white settler colonial capitalism, destabilization, and ecocide.

Our therapy fund is currently prioritizing people most closely impacted by these crises. 


Updated: 5/8/2024

Thank you for your interest in applying – this application cycle is now closed.

We understand that it may be disappointing that the spots filled up so quickly, as the needs are greater than we are able to meet at one time. 

Our community continues to fundraise to open up future cycles. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page to be notified when the next cycle opens up.

Consider visiting these therapy funds too: Loveland Foundation, National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color, Lawrence Boris Henson Foundation, Asian Mental Health Collective.

With care & gratitude, the Mental Health Liberation team

Application Support Will Be Available

When the application cycle is open, a number of spots will be reserved for Deaf, Blind, Disabled, Neurodivergent and novice computer-user applicants that need assistance to complete the application process.

Applicants will be able to schedule a meeting with our care team for support to complete the application process. 

Support BIPOC Mental Health

Donate Today

$125 provides 1 free therapy session

Boost this Therapy Fund

Create a fundraiser to help raise ongoing funds in support of BIPOC mental health.

It’s quick, simple & free. Rally your People today!

We warmly welcome checks:

Mental Health Liberation
3439 SE Hawthorne Blvd #933
Portland, OR 97214

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply for this therapy fund?

This fund is open to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color adult applicants (age 18+) living in the so-called "United States" that are in need of financial support for mental health therapy. 

We are prioritizing applicants that do not currently have a therapist.

I am Deaf, Blind, Disabled, Neurodivergent or a novice computer-user. Will there be support for me when I apply?

A number of spots are reserved for Deaf, Blind, Disabled, Neurodivergent or novice computer-user individuals that need assistance to complete the application process. (All forms are accessibility enabled).

When the application cycle is open, applicants will be able to schedule a meeting with our care team for support.

Who are the therapists providing services?

The therapists are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color members of the Inclusive Therapists community that are maintaining professional licenses in good standing.

Click this link to see the service-providers.

Can I work with my current therapist?

The intent of this Therapy Fund is to extend services for people that do not have access to therapy. We are prioritizing folks that do not currently have a therapist.

If you are working with a therapist and are seeking financial assistance, we encourage you visit Loveland Foundation and NQTTCN.

Do I have to pay out of pocket first?

You will not have to pay out of pocket. Our fund will pay towards the therapists' services directly.

How many sessions of therapy does this include?

This fund supports up to 12 total therapy sessions. Before or at the first session, the therapist will discuss a continuation-of-care plan with the participant after the funding concludes.

How does one select a therapist?

Our care team will thoughtfully match applicants with therapists that are the closest fit according to the preferences indicated on the application form. If the applicant and the therapist are not a good fit, we are happy to assist with making a different match.

Am I guaranteed to therapy when I apply?

Application does not guarantee receiving free therapy services. 

Variables that are considered in the selection process include and are not limited to: applicant's location, applicant's preferences, and therapist availabilities.

All applicants will receive a response within 4 weeks on whether we are able to match them with an available therapist in this cycle. Applicants have the option to choose whether to be included in future cycles as they open up.

Can a previous Therapy Fund participant apply again?

Welcome back, and we hope that you recevied the care that you needed. While we understand that you may want to apply in the next cycle, we are prioritizing folks that have not received support for therapy in the past.

If you are working with a therapist and are seeking financial assistance, we encourage you visit Loveland Foundation and NQTTCN. Thank you.

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